Ep.18: What Baffles Men Most About Women?
Sex, Lust & Love...What Matters?
What does he want to know or understand about you?…… Everything!
There are few men who truly “get” women. It’s not necessarily their fault because women often don’t know why they do the things they do. Men wonder why women change their minds on a whim, how their moods can swing from being perfectly happy one minute, to irritated and somewhat sullen the next. Many wonder why women overanalyze everything, ruminate about the same thing for days and are amazed at how they can remember everything a man ever said.
Some men grow up with sisters, which gives them valuable insight into the quirky habits of women, but that’s still no match for decoding the female mind.
Men are forever wondering why women do the things they do and often they’re curious about what matters most to them.
The majority of men genuinely want to know and understand women, but as much as they try to make sense of it all, they are often left feeling clueless and frustrated.
So this week, we asked:
“What’s One Thing You’d Love to Know or Understand About Women?”
“Why do women put themselves down so much when they aren’t that bad? It seems that they think a lot less of themselves than we think of them.” Asked a 28-year-old medical student from Pakistan. “I would also love to know why women can’t let go of their past and move on. Why do they carry so much baggage from previous relationships and then blame the next guy when he had nothing to do with her past relationship?”
A 36-year-old married Hockey player from Minnesota wanted to know: “Why do they lie to us and make up lame excuses when they don’t want to have sex? We know they’re lying and it bothers us even more that they make up an excuse instead of saying how they really feel. And why don’t they want to have sex with their husbands anymore?”
A 30-year-old engaged CPA from Ohio asked: “Why do women always assume there is a hidden meaning or agenda with a man. We mean what we say and we say what we mean. Take us at face value, don’t take what we say and then run it through seventeen filters and then decide that we must be trying to pull one over on you. It’s really frustrating that women don’t think men are telling the truth. The funny thing is, is that 99% of the time men are actually telling you the truth. I think women just don’t want to believe that.”
Some men out there feel like they know women relatively well and have no unanswered questions.
“I think I understand women pretty well. I have a lot of female friends and they tell me anything I want to know. –A 29-year-old unemployed single man from West Virginia.
A 54-year-old divorced Postal Worker from Philadelphia said, “I have 3 sisters and many close female friends so I really ‘get’ women. There’s not much I don’t understand about them.”
In addition to all the things men wanted to know, most of them wanted to know how to make women happy. It feels like a mystery to them and they would love to be let in on the secret.
Someone should tell men that half the time we don’t know what makes us happy, so how could we tell men what we want if we don’t know for ourselves? (That topic deserves its own column.)
A 49-year-old divorced Pilot from MD shared: “I would love to know how to make women happy. Why is it so hard to make them happy? We’re trying really hard and yet you give us no help; you never honestly tell us what you need, you expect us to guess.”
A 54-year-old publisher from Pennsylvania lamented: “There is so much I don’t understand, I don’t know where to start. I feel like I’ve been studying women my whole life and I still don’t understand you people; you’ll forever remain a mystery to me. I would love to know though, why you all go to the bathroom together? What exactly do you all do in there?”
I did answer this gentleman and told him that what we do when we go to the bathroom together is not nearly as exciting as what he thinks.
A 63-year-old single Yoga Instructor from South Florida made a great point: “Why do women discuss the issues they’re having with their boyfriend or husband, with other women? Why don’t they just talk to the guy that they’re having the issue with? The guy doesn’t even get a chance to correct things or talk to her because he has no idea she has an issue with something he’s done because she’s told her girlfriends and not him. It makes no sense to men that women won’t talk to us about what they’re upset about, especially if it has to do with us!”
“What day of the month are you all horny?”- A 65-year-old single retired businessman from Wisconsin.
“We just want to make women happy; that’s about it. So why can’t you just tell us what you need and want instead of hoping we’ll figure it out or expecting us to read your mind? How is it that women come to expect men to read their minds?”-A 41-year-old single real estate agent from South Florida.
There are so many things men want to know or understand about women. As a woman I realize this goes both ways, but I think it’s important to note how much men want to please women and how much energy is expended, on their part, trying to understand and make women happy.
Clearly there are just as many mysteries to men but it sure seems like there’s only about 3-4 different types of guys and almost all the men fit into one of those categories. However, when it comes to women, there seems to be just as many categories as there are women.
Suffice it to say, I sure am glad I’m a woman.